Friday, January 21, 2011

The Purpose of Testing

Have you heard it said that if you are a Christian you shouldn't have any problems, illness or difficulties if you have enough faith?  Friend that is exactly opposite of what the bible teaches.  Some preachers have taken a few verses out of context to come up with this doctrine but is is contary to the context of the whole bible.  Jesus is a perfect example and was Jesus Who said "in this world you will have difficulty, I have overcome the world".
    Tragedy, illness and calamity strike at every human being.  While adversity will strike, God will remove the problem or give me the strength to bear what happens.
     The refining processes of God have a purpose; that we might grow up and be patient and endure.  Now if your suffering is the result of your own bad choices it can be a refining process as well.  There are consequences for disobedience.
     Rather than ask God why, seek His face, trust Him, He will be with you.  I have discovered that often those things I feared would happen did happen and in spite of the fact that I prayed long and hard they would not happen.  What did I see when I stepped out in faith?  God was with me through it, He strengthened me in it and brought me out refined,
      Fear is a snare and a stronghold, it is the opposite of faith, I will go so far as to say it is sin.  Do you remember the parable of the talents, the servant who buried his talent in the ground, because of fear, Jesus called him wicked and lazy. 
      Let us seek the Lord today, pray the prayer that never fails "Thy will be done".  "when you walk through the water, I will be with you, God's promises are true".

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