Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Happened at the Cross?

     Our God is holy and He has an uncompromising attitude toward all forms of evil.  His justice requires payment for all sin.
      Under the Old Testament sacrificial  system, established by God, priests made daily offerings for the nation's sins (Exodus 29:38,39)  People brought lambs and other animals to the temple as payment for their wrongdoing (Leviticus 5:5-7).
       When God's chosen Lamb, Jesus, laid down His life as a substitute for all men, payment for sin was complete.  Jesus bore in His body the full penalty for our disobedience - past, present and future.  No further sacrifice is required.  (Hebrews 7:27).
        At the cross God revealed His wrath against all unrighteousness (Romans 1:18,19) Judgement against sin was carried out.  One man-the virgin born, sinless, incarnate Son of God, offered Himself to stand in our place and receive God's judgment for our sin.
        Jesus took the divine condemnation and wrath we deserve.  When we receive Jesus as our personal Savior, we are no longer under a death sentence.  We are proclaimed "not guilty" because He took our place.
        The mercy of God in not punishing us is ours forever.  The riches of His grace give us life, even thought we deserve to die.  The cross brought death to One so that many might live. "By grace are you saved through faith" Ephesians 2:8.
         Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.
Adapted from LIFE  PRINCIPLES DAILY BIBLE  Charles F. Stanley

Saturday, November 13, 2010

God Our Comforter

      Knowing about God's power to heal your hurts is a key component to experiencing His tender love. Psalm 119:50 "Your promises revive me; they comfort me in all my troubles." NLT This is just one of the observations of God's comfort for His children. Listen to what God says in Isaiah 51:12 "I, yes I, am the one who comforts you." Where do you look for comfort?  If you have relied on human remedies, you know how their effectiveness diminishes over time.  Some try food, or alcohol, or drugs, or escape into fantasy--anything to attempt to outrun the pain.  But when the artificial glow wears off and the dream ends, the ache remains.
       There is no such thing as a life without pain and trial, and therefore no such thing as a person without need of comfort.  Don't let anyone deceive you into thinking that the key to leading a joy-filled Christian life is avoiding pain; that is simply not possible in this world.  God could choose to insulate you from hurt, but instead He allows you to experience the tough times that draw you closer to Him.
       Out of your pain comes a need for God.  As He ministers to you and you accept it with thanksgiving and a desire to learn, you become equipped to minister to those He places within your reach.
        You can have God's comfort right now if you are His child.  Ask Him for  solace and find yourself wrapped in the love that will not let you go.  Adapted from The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Daily Bible.
        Would you like to become a child of God?
         Right now you can change your life if you wish by admitting to God that you are a sinner, asking God to forgive you and come into your life with your willingness to submit to His Lordship.
          It is such a big decision to give over the rule of your life to God, I cannot imagine what ever kept me from this decision, my pride I think, but once I decided, His love and grace came in like a flood and the first thing I noticed was that the emptiness inside was gone, a wonderful peace. Ephesians 1:23 explains this " The church (that is us who believe) is His body, it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with Himself."  That fullness of Christ will satisfy you beyond anything the world has to offer.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How do you deal with discouragement?

Do you ever feel tempted to give up?  Do you feel overlooked, forgotten, mistreated and you want to quit? Satan's goal is to get you to do just that-quit.  Discouragement is his favorite weapon.
   Remember; while disappointments are inevitable, discouragement is a choice.
   If you listen to the devil's whispers of doubt and fear, you will quickly find yourself trapped in self-pity.  Soon after that we try to justify feelings of anger, envy and jealousy.  Encouragement rarely comes to those who are trying to justify themselves.
   If we are ever going to reach our full potential, we must realize a very important truth, GOD IS FOR US.  He is not against us. 
   God often uses trials to position us for blessing.  Even in times of disappointment He has our best in mind.  He know how He wants to use the disappointment or hardship for our benefit and He desires that we see Him as our only source of salvation and blessing.
    When you feel tempted to yield to discouragement, go to God in prayer.  Tell Him all you are feeling--the unkind ways you have been treated that do not seem fair.  You can write all this out in a letter to Him, get it out of yourself, don't complain to others.  God knows your future and the direction your life will take.  He wants you to totally depend on Him.  Disappointments will come, focus your heart on Jesus.
     If you are in a difficult place right now, ask the Lord to reveal His will and plan for your life.  Committ yourself fully to Him and pray to obey ot matter what it costs.  If you take this apporach, then God will provide for you in ways that far exceed human understanding.
     From ANSWERS TO LIFE'S QUESTIONS  by Charles Stanley

Friday, October 15, 2010


This week has been the first of the radio broadcasts, an introductory study, making a case for studying the bible.  I cannot encourage you too strongly to know God's Word for yourself.  There is nothing like the accumulation of His Word in your heart and mind to deliver you from the viewpoints of the world, the flesh and the devil and to keep you walking in the light as He is in the light.
    Recently I read this, written over 500 years ago and I found it very instructive;
"The Scriptures show two manner of sacrifices acceptable to God.  The first is called a sacrifice of thanks or praise, and is when we teach and preach God's Word purely, when we hear and receive it with faith, when we acknowledge from our hearts for the unspeakable benefits which through it are laid before us and bestowed upon us in Christ, when we praise and glorify Him, etc.  "Thank the LORD, for He is gracious, because His mercy endures for ever."
      Secondly, when a sorrowful and troubled heart in all manner of temptation has his refuge in God, calls upon Him in a true and upright faith, seeks help of Him, and waits patiently upon Him.  "The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, shall You not despise".  And again: "Call upon me in the time of need so I will deliver you , and you shall praise me.".
     Martin Luther (1483-1546)
    I hope you will listen to the bible study next week as we begin the book of John.  We will be emphasizing Jesus, Who He is and what He had done.  Join us Monday and Wednesday 8 in the morning and 9 in the evening, on WZLP 95.7 Loudonville or live streaming on
Each week's study will be archived on this website on Thursday following the study.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Updates for radio broadcast

    The radio Bible Study called Light for My Path is being recorded and will begin to air on WZLP 95.7 FM Loudonville or via live stream on WZLP website on October 11, 2010.  The times are Monday and Wednesday at 8:00 in the morning and 9:00 in the evening.  In addition, the broadcasts will be archived on this website for replay after they air.  Also the recent interview between Bob Strong and my husband Tom and I can be found there after October 11, 2010.
      The study will begin with an intro program regarding how to study the bible and following programs will be a verse by verse study through the book of John.  John was the disciple Jesus loved and he has a lot to tell us about our LORD and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
     The resources tab will be updated weekly with questions for your consideration and further study.
     Since the study is pre-recorded we can keep in touch through email or this blog.

The following was written by A.W. Tozer many years ago and I share it for your consideration.
    "It is a dangerous and costly practice to consult men every time we reach a dark spot in the Scriptures.  We do not overlook the importance of the gift of teaching to the Church, but we do warn against the habit of taking by blind faith the opinions of men--even good men.  A few minutes of earnest prayer will often give more light than hours of reading the commentaries.  The best rule is: go to God first about the meaning of any text.  Then consult the teachers."

     Friends, I hope you will have your bible open, if possible, as we study, it is always best to see it for yourself.
     May God Bless you.