Saturday, March 5, 2011

God's Gracious Presence

    We have experienced many trials in the past 2 weeks.  Perhaps you noticed last week there was no radio program on Monday as the transmitter was down.  The heavy snow in Ohio this winter has taken its toll in many ways.  The station manager chose to play an earlier broadcast and begin this week with the series in John. 
     At the same time my husband was experiencing the first of two trips to the emergency room for heart related problems.  He had a major open heart surgery last March 2010 to correct several problems and has been left with  fluttering heart.  Up until now he has manged but it became an acute problem lately and has let to him having cardio version, a challenge in someone with a brain probe treating Parkinson's disease.
      In all these things God has Sovereignly overruled and brought him through.  He has given me wisdom to make challenging decisions and given me the comfort of His still and undemanding Presence when I was exhausted.
      Tom is slowly recovering and steadily feeling better.  We have both grown closer to the LORD Jesus during these difficulties.  I want to tell you that we are finally all alone with God and it is a wise person who gets to know Him now and take comfort in Him and His promises.
     The radio program should be up to date now as God has graciously allowed me to go on with it and so I pray you will be blessed by His sure and certain Word of hope.


  1. Hello dear sister Kelly, First of all, I am a christian and also a retired emergency room Sister (RN)I hope your doctor adviced your husband to take Magnesium tabs or caps for his heart flutter...(Arial fibulation.)
    Many doctors fail to do so!!
    It is a natural therapy and taken combined with the usual heart meds..Two tabs/caps best after dinner at night.
    When a pt enters the emergency room in Australia with this problem, the first thing we give is Magnesium I.V. over one hour. This usually settles it. Please read up on the internet, all the wonderful benefits of taking this.
    Its a pleasure to find your site and read your Blog. God Bless you both richly with His love.
    Crystal Mary, Australia.

  2. God will always show you the way! Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel
