Consider the great and gracious promises found in Proverbs 2. First of all, a promise that you can understand what it means to "fear the LORD" and gain the knowledge of God. Verse 6 says "the LORD grants wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Next in verse 7 we find that He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest and He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. Verse 8 says He guards the path of the just and protects those who are faithful to Him.
On what basis do we claim these promises for ourselves? Have you asked God to save your soul, are you willing to submit to the Lordship of Christ? The first three verses of Proverbs 2 give us the secret to gaining these promises.
First of all; Listen to what God says in His Word, the Bible. Secondly, listen to God's wisdom, concentrate on understanding. Thirdly cry out for insight and ask for understanding. And here is the attitude you must have while you are searching and seeking; search as you would for silver, seek them like hidden treasure.
This means you must spend time studying the Bible, not books about the Bible. At the same time, you must ask God to help you understand His Word, He will teach you. You must have the attitude of humility and willingness to obey, God never gives you guidance to consider. If you know in your heart you will not obey Him, He will not speak to you.
Spiritual truth is spiritually discerned, you must have submitted your life to Jesus, the Son of God, before you can expect any guidance from God.
If today you understand that you are sinner in need of a Savior, that there is One Who loves you and is eager to receive you, forgive you and give you a new beginning for life eternal; then pray this prayer:
"Jesus, I am a sinner, I want to be forgiven, to be free of guilt. I accept by faith your free gift of forgiveness, salvation and eternal life. Thank you for dying and taking the penalty I deserve. I give my life to You, thank you for giving me eternal life."
Friend, Jesus is coming soon, maybe today.
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