Knowing about God's power to heal your hurts is a key component to experiencing His tender love. Psalm 119:50 "Your promises revive me; they comfort me in all my troubles." NLT This is just one of the observations of God's comfort for His children. Listen to what God says in Isaiah 51:12 "I, yes I, am the one who comforts you." Where do you look for comfort? If you have relied on human remedies, you know how their effectiveness diminishes over time. Some try food, or alcohol, or drugs, or escape into fantasy--anything to attempt to outrun the pain. But when the artificial glow wears off and the dream ends, the ache remains.
There is no such thing as a life without pain and trial, and therefore no such thing as a person without need of comfort. Don't let anyone deceive you into thinking that the key to leading a joy-filled Christian life is avoiding pain; that is simply not possible in this world. God could choose to insulate you from hurt, but instead He allows you to experience the tough times that draw you closer to Him.
Out of your pain comes a need for God. As He ministers to you and you accept it with thanksgiving and a desire to learn, you become equipped to minister to those He places within your reach.
You can have God's comfort right now if you are His child. Ask Him for solace and find yourself wrapped in the love that will not let you go. Adapted from The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Daily Bible.
Would you like to become a child of God?
Right now you can change your life if you wish by admitting to God that you are a sinner, asking God to forgive you and come into your life with your willingness to submit to His Lordship.
It is such a big decision to give over the rule of your life to God, I cannot imagine what ever kept me from this decision, my pride I think, but once I decided, His love and grace came in like a flood and the first thing I noticed was that the emptiness inside was gone, a wonderful peace. Ephesians 1:23 explains this " The church (that is us who believe) is His body, it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with Himself." That fullness of Christ will satisfy you beyond anything the world has to offer.
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